What is Trauma Sensitive Yoga


Resetting our senses.

Trauma results in the decrease of activity in parts of the brain that connect physical experiences in the body to awareness of those experiences. This results in a disconnect between what the body experiences and how the brain interprets those experiences. Essentially it hinders a person’s ability to regulate their physical and emotional responses to the world around them. This often presents as;

Inability to distinguish between past and present memories or correctly interpret a seemingly neutral experience as remotely similar to a traumatic memory e.g. a particular song or image may trigger an  emotionally extreme response, as that particular part of the brain cannot minimise interference of past traumatic experiences. This often leads to an extreme stress response, anxiety, panic (hyperactivity) when confronted with unrelated situations not related to trauma. The fight or flight mode is continuously on.

Over whelming evidence and landmark studies indicate that Trauma Sensitive Yoga increases activity to these parts of the brain resulting in a decrease in trauma symptoms (Post Traumatic Stress Disorders). It aids in resetting the switch; improving how people manage and regulate their physical and emotional responses to the world around them.


Trauma Sensitive Yoga (TCTSY) is used in conjunction with counselling. Approved sessions over a period of weeks, can be a mix of TCTSY and sessions with the counsellor.

TCTSY can be one on one with the trauma sensitive yoga facilitator or/and group sessions over a period of approved sessions.